Here's Why President Trump Is Right About the Polls Being Fake

President Trump is right. Almost all of the public polls you see are fake. The metrics are rigged and the results are deliberately slanted by 10-12%. Here's how it's done.

Let's take a recent Washington Post poll as an example. Here's an analysis of what's wrong with their metrics by the best poll expert in the world:

Washington Post Poll on Impeachment

NOTE: The Washington Post on Tuesday published a poll that they claim shows that a majority of Americans favor the impeachment of President Trump.The poll is seriously flawed:

·This is a terribly flawed and biased poll that is designed to PUSH public opinion, not measure it.

·Public polls have been notoriously bad at accurately measuring people’s opinions of Donald Trump.

·It’s a poll of “adults” not registered or likely voters, which always means a leftward skew.

·It was a random digital dial sample, meaning they have no idea who they talked to.

·The poll undersamples Republicans badly compared to actual 2016 turnout (25% in the poll compared to 33% in 2016).

·The poll oversamples Independents even worse compared to actual 2016 turnout (44% in the poll compared to 31% in 2016)

·The questions are written from the Democrat point of view and are designed to get the results and headlines they were looking for.

·They didn’t ask any questions from the Republican point of view, like:

oShould there be an investigation of Joe Biden’s pressure on Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating the company his son worked for?

oShould Congress vote publicly on allowing the impeachment inquiry to move forward?

oShould Congress act now to impeach the President or should the people be allowed to decide in the next election?

·Finally, these questions were in a large, omnibus survey, and we have no way of knowing what questions came before them and potentially influenced responses.

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