Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning.Full Bio


Trump Takes A Familiar Message To An Unfamiliar Place: The Bronx

Photo: Getty Images North America

With time on his hands until his hush money trial wraps up sometime next week, Donald Trump decided to squeeze in a campaign rally on Thursday. However, rather than holding it in a welcoming red-state or a critical swing state, Trump will be in the heart of one of the bluest spots on the 2020 electoral map- Crotona Park in the Bronx. Trump has said in recent weeks that he feels he can flip New York and take its 28 votes in the electoral college. Former Nassau County Executive Laura Curran appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program to lay out why Trump thinks this strategy will pay off.

As Curran told Berman and Riedel, “The point of having the rally in the Bronx is that, in 2020, Trump got 13 percent of black male voters. Right now, he’s polling at 30, three-zero, percent of black voters, so Trump is being strategic and going to where Biden is vulnerable. And Biden’s coalition is faltering. We see it with young people, we see it with blacks, Hispanics, Asians… [With younger voters] there is a cynicism; they think it’s basically six of one, half a dozen of the other, and at least Trump appears like he’s telling the truth.”

Curran feels the Bronx appearance highlights Trump’s ability to charm some people you wouldn’t expect to vote for him. “I have friends in the Muslim community who are going to vote for Donald Trump who say 90% of their brethren and sisters are going to vote for Donald Trump, not just because of Gaza, but also because of the family values, a lot of them are business owners, the tax issues, all of this stuff. And then you talk to white liberals; they say, ‘Absolutely not; there’s no way ever I’m voting for him!’ They’re not talking to actual people, is the thing.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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