Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning.Full Bio


With Just Days Left Until the Special Election, Suozzi and Mazi Trade Jabs

Photo: Getty Images North America

Nassau County voters got their only chance to see the two candidates vying to represent the 3rd Congressional district sparring head-to-head on Thursday night, as Tom Suozzi debated Mazi Pilip. With the special election now only 4 days away, Suozzi and Pilip traded barbs on abortion, immigration and Joe Biden, and with polls suggesting that Suozzi holds a razor-thin advantage over Pilip, they are both hoping their performance in the debate gives them enough votes to make a difference at the ballot box. Suozzi appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program to dissect his performance, as well as Pilip’s.

“She was, quite frankly, all over the map on different things,” Suozzi opined to Berman and Riedel. “She just really botched the whole thing… but, I mean, it really comes down to the issues. Immigration is the big issue of the campaign. I support the bipartisan deal that will actually build more wall, we’ll close the border, we’ll get more border agents.... and Ms. Pilip says oh, the border’s a problem, it’s a problem. It’s a big problem, but she has no plan.”

When pressed about worries about the image Joe Biden is projecting as his party’s leading figure, Suozzi suggested the problem is merely one of perception. “You’re never going to get over the fact that he’s an old man, okay… Enough with this wearing the sunglasses and trying to run up the stairs and stuff like that. Accept the fact that you’re an old man that’s very experienced, has tremendous relationships all over the world, and be like the grandfatherly advice giver with the wisdom you have instead of trying to be, you know, Joe Biden of twenty years ago.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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