Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

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Borelli: "We're Not Gonna See a Dime" to Help the Migrants in New York City

Photo: AFP

New York Mayor Eric Adams claims that it will cost the city $12 billion to take care of migrants in the five boroughs over the next three years. City Councilman Joe Borelli (R-51st) contends that the day-to-day cost of running the Big Apple is slowly being crushed under the financial burdens of harboring nearly 100,000 migrants. Speaking on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program, Borelli expressed his frustration with Adams for not balancing compassion with responsibility.

“In reality we have plenty of municipalities around the state of New York which are also under the same constitutional requirements who just aren’t doing it,” the City Council Minority Leader told Berman and Riedel. “You just saw the Erie County, Buffalo, county executive Mark Poloncarz simply say, ‘Okay, we took a thousand, we’re not gonna take any more, thanks very much.’ I wish the mayor would just do the same thing, and if he has to make an example of turning a bus around, if he has to make an example of busing people out to the next city, so be it.”

As for when New York can expect the federal government to step up with funds to ease the pressure on the city budget, Borelli says don’t hold your breath. “I’m willing to bet we’re not gonna see a dime, we’re not gonna see a real dollar amount, until after the election… but it will take Congress to actually allocate some of this money, and I don’t know about you, but I can just imagine the Republicans in the House being a little giddy about attacking the Democrats bout this problem.”

Another thing Borelli placed in the “don’t hold your breath” column: Donald Trump showing up at the first GOP debate. “I would be shocked if he shows up… I want people to ask him why certain things happened the way they did. At the same time, if you were in such a commanding lead, where you can essentially walk on electoral water right now with the Republican party base, why would you do anything that’ll give you the chance of stepping on a land mine. You just don’t need to.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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