Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

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Malliotakis: "We'll See What Happens" with Biden Whistleblower Charges

Photo: Getty Images North America

The House Ways and Means Committee voted Thursday to release testimony from two IRS whistleblowers that indicated that President Biden had a hand in the business dealings of his son Hunter, and that the IRS ran interference in their dealings with the case. US Representative Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY 11th) appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program to explain why the committee chose to release that testimony.

“What this basically says,” Malliotakis explained to Berman and Riedel, “is that two IRS whistleblowers had been seeing how the IRS, under the direction of the DOJ, seemed to squash recommended charges, and there were multiple charges of tax evasion over multiple years…It seemed very clear that there was interference here, and now that that has all been made public, we’ll see what happens.”

Malliotakis brought up several other instances of tax evasion as an example of what many Republicans think should happen to Hunter Biden. “People should look at what other people have been charged for, if they evaded taxes of the amount of $2 million. Go look at, you know, Wesley Snipes, Leona Helmsley, Pete Rose, and regular American citizens, ordinary citizens. You just Google it; you’ll see how people go to jail 3-5 years for that type of crime, where Hunter Biden’s just getting a slap on the wrist.”

Malliotakis added that the lack of coverage in the media is the primary reason the Ways and Means Committee released the whistleblower statements. “We’ve seen what the mainstream media have done, and it’s really unfortunate… and that is why we felt it was important to disclose this testimony by two whistleblowers, who came to us because they saw something wrong happening with their department and within the Department of Justice.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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