Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning.Full Bio


The Final Presidential Debate Is In The Can

What no one will agree on? Who “won” last night’s debate – as with previous interactions, winners and losers are usually decided by which side of the aisle people prefer. But what EVERYONE can agree on? Last night’s meeting between President Trump and former VP Joe Biden? There was a lot less chaos...but it was no less spirited.

The men sparred for more than 90-minutes in what was the final 2020 presidential debate in Nashville. Here are some highlights:

Biden said the character of the nation is on the ballot on November 3rd. Trump warned Biden's economic policies will lead the nation into a depression.

Biden accused Trump of being divisive and pitting red states against blue states in the response to the coronavirus outbreak. Trump again defended his response and said a vaccine is coming within weeks.

Trump argued the virus will soon be gone, Biden warned a “dark winter is coming” as the coronavirus is surging in more than three-dozen states.

They also traded barbs over healthcare. Trump vowed to always protect people with pre-existing conditions, even if the Supreme Court repeals the Affordable Care Act. Biden mocked Trump over claims that the White House is poised to propose a better healthcare policy.

Trump defended his border policies and ripped the Obama-Biden administration's record on illegal immigration. Biden slammed the Trump policy of separating immigrant children from their families at the border.

As for race relations in America, Biden said Trump "pours fuel on every racist fire," adding he has a "dog whistle as big as a fog horn" when it comes to white supremacist groups. The President called himself the "least racist person in this room" – an interesting choice considering moderator Kristen Welker is bi-racial.

Trump again insisted no other president has done more for African Americans than he has, other than Abraham Lincoln. The two men had it out with regard to the overseas business dealings of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Hunter Biden is Joe Biden's son. Biden said his son has done nothing wrong.

During another exchange about Climate Change, Trump challenged Biden on his ‘change of heart’ regarding fracking. Biden denied that he’s ever said he’d do away with the practice...when Trump replied that it’s on tape, Biden dared Trump to prove it. He has. Taking to Twitter overnight, Trump posted a collection of clips to that effect.

Source: C-SPAN

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