Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning.Full Bio


Are We Turning A Corner With COVID-19?

The U.S. leads the world in the number of coronavirus deaths, but we may also be turning the corner which leads to everything reopening. On CNN's “State of the Union,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said the country is turning a corner in terms of hospitalizations and ventilator intubations.

Still, Fauci says that the White House task force on COVID-19 doesn’t want to be premature in easing up on social distancing. That said, much like President Trump’s hopes for ‘rolling reopenings,’ Fauci says everything depends on where you live in the country and how the outbreak is developing there. And while he believes that some cities may be able to get back to work by as early as next month, he notes, "It's not one size fits all."

Meanwhile, the FDA is still working to expand coronavirus testing throughout the U.S. Speaking on NBC's “Meet the Press,” FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn says there are multiple systems working across a number of platforms for testing.

And by the way? The FDA just authorized the first antibody test to determine if a person may unknowingly be carrying antibodies to the virus and therefore is immune. Hahn is a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force and said the team is looking at the earliest possible date to safely reopen the country, which could be as soon as May 1st.

Where does the United States stand with COVID-19? At last check, there are more than 557-thousand cases across the United States – with just over 22-thousand patients succumbing to the illness – though nearly 42-thousand have Globally, the numbers stand at just over 1.8-million people infected by the virus – with more than 114-thousand dead. On the plus side, more than 434-thousand have recovered. And in case you’re curious? Just over 2.8-million Americans have been tested.

But also, remember that raw numbers don’t tell the complete tale. Remember that for more than the 81% of people diagnosed, symptoms are considered mild.

ONE MORE THING! Fauci may be beloved by many Americans, but the shine may have dulled in President Trump’s eyes. At least, that’s the view that many could take because yesterday, Mr. Trump retweeted a post calling for Fauci to be fired.

Source: CNN’s “State of the Union”

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