Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning.Full Bio


Trump Addresses Accusations From Impeachment Inquiry

As President Trump sees it, the impeachment inquiry should be over “after hearings found nothing.” In case you missed it, the President called in to “Fox and Friends” Friday and was asked about many of the revelations from the hearings. Along the way

Trump said he wants to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to testify so he can be asked about his role in the whistleblower report.

He said he also wants the whistleblower to testify, saying everyone in Washington knows who that is. Thing is? The whistleblower has a legal right to confidentiality.

Trump was asked if the whistleblower still works for him, but didn’t give an answer.

He called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "sleazy" and "totally incompetent." Sticking with the theme, he called Schiff a "nutjob."

He’s also predicted the House won't impeach him, “because it's hard to impeach when they have nothing.”

Moving into the weekend, President Trump is now saying that the "polls have now turned very strongly against impeachment...” “especially in swing states." Some polls do show that support is about the same as it’s been, but either way, House Democrats are pushing forward. Democrats think they have substantial evidence from those who did testify to pursue articles of impeachment against President Trump.

Meanwhile... a top Democrat says an ethics investigation into claims Republican Devin Nunes met with Ukrainians seeking dirt on the Bidens is likely. As you might recall, two associates of Rudy Giuliani who was indicted. Now one of them – Lev Parnas – says he's ready to tell Congress that Nunes met with a former Ukrainian prosecutor trying to get information on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Nunes has denied the claims.

Source: Business Insider

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