Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning

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Rose McGowan Sues Harvey Weinstein

After spearheading the #MeToo movement, Rose McGowan is taking Harvey Weinstein to court. She’s suing the disgraced studio mogul and his ex-lawyers Lisa Bloom and David Boies for damages, accusing them of a “diabolical and illegal effort” to silence her.

According to legal docs obtained by TMZ, McGowan claims Weinstein and his “team of fixers” tried to stop her memoir “Brave” from coming out back in 2016, since it detailed her alleged rape by Weinstein at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival. Her story is Weinstein teamed up with the international spy agency Black Cube to seal the unpublished book and threaten to ruin her if they couldn’t buy her silence.

McGowan also brings it back to her claim that Weinstein had a hand in planting drugs in her wallet back in 2017. At the time, she listened to her lawyer Jose Baez when he told her to plead no contest instead – just nine days after she did, Baez joined Weinstein’s camp.

Weinstein’s lawyer Phyllis Kupferstein has released a statement calling McGowan’s allegations “baseless.” “Once and for all, Rose McGowan will be shown to be what she is; a publicity seeker looking for money,” she says. “We will demonstrate that this case has no legal merit.”

McGowan herself has spoken out about the lawsuit on Twitter, saying she fully expects the "smear campaign to begin again."

Source: TMZ

Photo Credit: Getty Imagrs

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