Did Phil Murphy Forget Murphy's Law? "If Anything Can Go Wrong..."

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New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy may have forgotten the adage about sleeping dogs, as he issued a statement recently that has caught the attention of The Big Dog on the border. Murphy gave an interview over the weekend in which he implied that he has an illegal alien living above his garage, and then concluded the story with, “And good luck to the Feds coming in to try to get her”. That interview was brought to the attention of none other than Border Czar Tom Homan, who simply stated, “I will seek prosecution” if Murphy is, in fact, harboring an illegal alien.  Murphy has since said his statement was “misinterpreted”.

Former New York City Council Minority Speaker Joe Borelli, who recently stepped out of politics to become the managing director of the Chartwell Strategy Group, still keeps tabs on city and state government on both sides of the Hudson. He appeared on 710 WOR’s Mendte in the Morning program to say that Murphy opened a can of worms that he never had to open in the first place.

“Look, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes,” Borelli told host Larry Mendte. “He was being recorded, and he did this on purpose to thump his chest and basically say to the Trump Administration, ‘From my cold, dead hands’, like Charlton Heston with the NRA. The problem is that he got called out on it, and it’s probably not true. What he said is a very big difference than saying, ‘Look, I might have a cleaning lady, I’m pretty sure she’s undocumented, she’s a nice lady, and I don’t want her to leave.’ A lot of people would say that; this is, ‘I’m harboring someone in my house who I know to be here illegally, and I’m going to actually use whatever powers I have to protect her.’ That’s insane, that’s insane for a governor.”

Borelli expanded on why Murphy’s proud boast may have been less than productive: “I have empathy for this lady. This lady’s probably doing a nice job, she’s probably a wonderful person- now she’s sort of put in jeopardy by (Murphy). And Tom Homan is not going to let it go- you know, if you go in Tom Homan’s hunting cabin and see the deer on the wall, nothing would probably give him more joy than putting Phil Murphy’s head up on that wall as a prize. And it would give the Republican party just fodder for the next four years of how we even went after governors hiding illegal migrants.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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