Passengers Stop To Grab Carry-Ons As Plane Is Being Evacuated Due To Smoke

Inside of an airplane full of fog

Foto: Natasha Choi / iStock / Getty Images

Video shared on social media captured the chaos as a plane full of passengers was forced to evacuate at San Francisco International Airport.

Passengers were boarding American Airlines Flight 2045 to Miami, Florida, on Friday (July 12) when a laptop overheated and started a fire. As the cabin filled with smoke, the flight crew ordered everybody to evacuate the plane using both emergency slides and the jetbridge.

While the flight crew tried to keep the passengers calm, the scene quickly devolved as some people ignored calls to leave their belongings behind.

While most passengers tried to leave the plane, several decided they needed to get their carry-on bags out of the overhead bins, creating chaos as people tried to get off the jet.

Other passengers got upset and started yelling at those trying to grab their belongings.

"A lot of us were yelling at people. 'Get out now! Dont' try to grab your bag. Just get out now. There's no time for that,'" passenger Carlos Leyva told KTVU.

The San Francisco Fire Department told Fox News that three people suffered minor injuries and that one person was transported to the hospital.

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