Rep. Gottheimer: MTA CEO Takes Taxpayer-Funded Car Instead Of Mass Transit

As the MTA prepares to impose congestion pricing on drivers, a pair of local congressmen are alleging that the agency's CEO has been using a taxpayer-funded car to travel around the city instead of his own agency's subways and buses.

“MTA CEO Janno Lieber seems to think he’s above it all: above reproach, above oversight, and frankly, above the law," Congressman Josh Gottheimer said.

Gottheimer and Congressman Anthony D'Esposito have introduced a measure they say will stop Lieber from using federal funds for such a vehicle. Congestion pricing is scheduled to begin on June 30, charging drivers $15 to travel south of 60th Street.

"Congressman D’Esposito and I are putting a stop to the MTA’s ‘for thee and not for me’ refrain once and for all," Gottheimer said.

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