Astorino: Trump's Penalty Is Par for the Course in the "Banana Republic"

Donald Trump Found Guilty In Civil Fraud Case, Fined Over $300 Million

Photo: Getty Images North America

The clock is ticking down on Monday’s deadline for former President Donald Trump to post bond on the $454 million judgement against him in New York. The deal announced Friday regarding Trump’s Truth Social platform may mean that he now has the cash on hand to do so. If he doesn’t, New York State could start seizing his properties to settle the debt. Either way, it’s a price Trump supporters say is excessively harsh and punitive.

Former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino agrees with that sentiment. He appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program to say what he thinks Trump should do next, as well as why he feels the verdict seals New York’s fate as a “banana republic.”

“Trump, I think, needs to run to federal court Monday, and [use] the Eighth Amendment,” Astorino explained to Berman and Riedel. “I mean, it is clearly excessive. They’re seizing properties without just cause or compensation. So, I mean, this was their game the entire time, and they’re winning, unfortunately… and here’s what the scary part is, and this is also part of the game- why would anyone donate to Republicans in New York, because they know they’re going to be a target next, or could be?”

“Letitia James, you can see in that photo- that famous photo now, I guess- in the trial when she’s staring from behind at Donald Trump. That was really a stare at everybody in New York who dares go against ‘them.’ That’s really what that stare was. That’s like a Vladimir Purin stare at an opponent.”

You can hear more of Rob Astorino’s theory on why the left has turned New York into a banana republic if you tune in to his show, heard Saturdays from 4-5pm on 710 WOR.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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