Photo: AFP
For the second straight year, President Joe Biden will skip out on the Presidential interview conducted before the Super Bowl. The tradition of the sitting President sitting down with a reporter from the network hosting that year’s game during its pre-game coverage goes back to at least the days of Bill Clinton. It is not a mandatory appearance, however, and presidents have skipped out on the interview before, but Biden’s decision to pass two years in a row raises more concerns from his detractors about his mental capacity. One of them is Fox News contributor Joe Concha; he appeared on 710 WOR‘s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning Program to raise a red flag over Biden’s decision not to sit down with CBS.
“Usually, the Super Bowl interview, given the audience, you’re going to get some hard questions,” Concha explained to Berman and Riedel, “but you’re [also] going to get… like, tee-ball, if you put a beach ball on a tee, type of questions. That is a clear indicator that his handlers are petrified of Joe Biden speaking outside of anything that doesn’t have a teleprompter involved.”
Concha further reasons that taking a pass on the Super Bowl interview is a squandered opportunity Biden can’t afford to simply dismiss. “When you look at the state-by-state polling… look at six or seven [swing] states and how Joe Biden is doing in those states, and this is a clear reason why he needs to do interviews to defend his record or to tell the country what he wants to do over the next four years… and he’s not and he looks like a coward in these situations because, well, how else are you going to read this?”
As for Taylor Swift saving the Biden Administration with a Super Bowl endorsement, Concha says that won’t even matter. “[Her core supporters are] teenage girls, and they can’t vote. They’re also mostly Democrats, anyway, and a lot of those Democrats think that Joe Biden is a war criminal for what’s going on with Israel and Gaza. So, I don’t know if she moves the needle all that much because, quite frankly, I don’t think a heck of a lot of Trump supporters are going to Taylor Swift concerts, and you’re not going to flip them.”
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