Photo: Getty Images North America
Pro- and anti-Hamas protests have become a near-daily sight in New York since the terrorist group attacked Israel on October 7th. A protest in Bay Ridge on Saturday became particularly ugly, as some protestors threw eggs at cops and chanted pro-Hamas slogans.
The tensions between both sides have even spilled into the race for several City Council seats, most notable between Ari Kagan and Justin Brannan to represent the Bay Ridge neighborhood where Saturday’s protest occurred. City Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli (R-51st) appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program to bemoan how conditions have deteriorated in the city in general as emotions ratchet up throughout the world.
“I have never seen tensions this high between Jews and Muslims in New York City as long as I’ve lived,” a somber Borelli told Berman and Riedel, “and unfortunately, I don’t see any sign of it abating, because there are people who will continue to excuse the behavior of Hamas, excuse the actions of people who did the most atrocious thing to fellow humans, and I think the rest of us are right to actually turn the pressure up on them and call them out for the pieces of garbage they actually are.”
Borelli pulled no punches and challenged the supporters of DSA politicians to call them out as anti-Semites. “Stop inviting these far-left DSA politicians to photo ops with your rabbis and on matzoh giveaways on Passover… for a time, that was probably the right thing to do to try to bridge gaps. It’s over! It’s over! These are people who, when the rubber met the road, they said that people were justified in basically ethnically cleansing the Jews… So stop allowing these politicians, these socialists, who are anti-Semitic at their core… stop normalizing them. Stop supporting them.”
Photo Credit: Getty Images