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Jerry Springer, the former mayor of Cincinnati who became a daytime tabloid television guilty pleasure, died Thursday at the age of 79. Deborah Norville, the longtime host of Inside Edition, spoke on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program about the mayhem Springer unleashed on America’s TV sets.
“Jerry Springer pulled the pin that unleashed pent-up bad behavior that I think people had been wanting to show to the rest of the world,” Norville told Berman and Riedel. “You could argue that some of the garbage that many people are upset about, whether it’s now on television, as well as the internet and your phones and all this other stuff, you could make the argument that ground zero for it was the Jerry Springer Show. Not making a judgement call on it, just saying that it kinda started there.”
Norville also plugged some of the stories that will be covered on upcoming episodes of Inside Edition, all of which boil down to personal safety and using common sense. “You can’t depend on anybody to do their job correctly, so you have to put on your smart brain and ask yourself what is the worst thing that could happen, how can I prevent that from happening, and if I can’t, is this something I really need to do.”
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