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NYC alternate side parking is making a full return on July 5th.
Get ready to move your car twice a week again! Mayor Adams and Jessica Tisch, the new Commissioner for the NYC Department of Sanitation have announced an $11 million in street cleaning initiatives, which will make a full reinstatement of the alternate side parking rules of New York.
Due to the pandemic in March 2020, alternate side parking was suspended in NYC. After that, former Mayor de Blasio only brought back street sweeping to once a week. Now this summer all of that will change. In a press statement it was said the “full restoration of alternate side parking (ASP) [will] allow DSNY’s mechanical brooms to do their jobs....This restoration is not only part of a return to normal, but to the high level of street cleanliness New Yorkers expect and deserve."
The alternate side parking will be restored on July 5th.