Connecticut Is Seeing A Rise In Their Tick Population

Tick populations in Connecticut are currently on the rise. With a shorter and warmer winter combined with a longer 'wetter' spring and summer you are going to see this change happen according to experts.

The New Haven Register reported that the state has now counted more than double the number of ticks than it did last year. “This is when they come,” Dr. Zane Saul, chief of infectious diseases at Bridgeport Hospital said, “They start late April/early May. The ticks are out there and people are starting to do lawn work and work in the garden.”

There are also new species of ticks that you need to be aware of. Lone Star tick, Asian longhorned tick and Gulf Coast tick are newer ticks that can transmit illnesses. The Lone Star Tick can potentially cause a meat allergy in some people, according to Goudarz Molaei, research scientist and director of the passive tick surveillance program at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.

The state is saying anyone who works or spends a lot of time outside should check for ticks. If you find anything, remove them and submit them to the state.

Photo: Getty

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