Chris Christie Blasts Trump For Early Declaration Of Victory

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie sharply criticized President Trump's meritless early morning declaration of victory and Trump's threat to ask the Supreme Court to halt the counting of ballots after Election Day.

No news organizations had called the election for Trump when the president addressed his supporters, with many emphasizing that the election is likely days from being decided.

Christie said there is no evidence to back up the president's claim of victory or his assertion that democrats are trying to steal the election from him.

"I talk tonight not as a former governor, but as a former U.S. attorney," Christie told ABC News. "There's just no basis to make that argument tonight. There just isn't."

Christie added that Pennsylvania hasn't counted enough votes for arguments to even begin and the PA Supreme Court extended the deadline for accepting ballots for three days.

"There comes a point where you have to let the process play itself out before you judge it to have been flawed. I think by prematurely doing this, if there is a flaw in it later, he has undercut his own credibility in calling attention to that flaw," Christie said. "So I think it's a bad strategic decision, it's a bad political decision."

As of Wednesday morning, millions of legitimate ballots were yet to be counted in six battleground states, including Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Biden's campaign was also critical of the president's tact and said states must be allowed to count every ballot.

Photo: Getty Images

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