The Best Colleges & Universities For 2020: Princeton In The Top 10

There’s no doubt there are a lot of great colleges in this country. Picking the right one can go a long way towards whether your kid has the best college experience possible, and now a new report reveals the best ones out there. 

  • just updated rankings for the Top 2,000 colleges and universities in the United States.
  • The ratings are based on a variety of factors including student/faculty ratio, student retention, test scores and more.
  • Unlike other rankings, this one is based purely on a mathematical comparison of key statistics, not peer review feedback, which some claim may be biased.
  • Based on all that info, California Institute of Technology tops the list, followed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Top Ten Colleges & Universities for 2020

  1. California Institute of Technology
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  3. Princeton University
  4. Williams College
  5. University of Notre Dame
  6. Swarthmore College
  7. Middlebury College
  8. Wesleyan University
  9. Bowdoin College
  10. Rice University 

Source:Financial Content

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