Half The US Wants To Work From Home Forever

The coronavirus has ruined a lot of parts of daily life but the majority of people, that are still employed, agree that it has actually upgraded their work-life. Turns out this free trial of working remotely isn’t too shabby.

A new poll found that more than half of the people in the U.S. say they want to continue working from home following COVID-19. And the other half must still be trying to figure out how to make a Zoom account. That’s just a guess though.

Interestingly, while every generation is into the idea of never going into the office again, baby boomers are feeling it the most. Just about 75% of the boomers said they wanted to kiss the cubicle life goodbye for good. Meanwhile, even though 80% of millennials said we’re more productive at home, only 50% of us said they’d want to work there forever. It’s possible that we might have left some great food in the office freezer.

Despite the self-reported productivity boost, nearly two-thirds of people in the US say their employers won’t allow them to keep working out of their home office.

Source: New Jersey News Network

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