New York To “Revolutionize” City Streets

The City Council is voting on Wednesday on a plan to make it easier for buses and cyclists to get around New York.

The $1.7 billion plan will add 250 miles of protected bike lanes and 150 miles of dedicated bike lanes over the next 5 years. The plan also gives buses priority at thousands of intersections and creates one million new square feet of pedestrian space.

Council Speaker Corey Johnson said this will mean fewer cars on the road and will “revolutionize” street space and quality of life.

“For too long things have been stacked in car drivers favor and away from other people that need to use our city streets,” Johnson said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio signed onto the plan after Johnson agreed to implement the plan after the mayor left office. Johnson said the city needs the extra time to implement it anyway.

The Council Speaker said there will also be greater enforcement of vehicular traffic to protect cyclists and pedestrians.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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