Protestors March On NYC Headquarters of Juul

Activists are calling on Juul to halt the sale of flavored e-cigarettes, arguing it encourages young people and children to vape. Marching on the company’s New York City headquarters, parents and other advocates joined in, saying fruit and candy flavored e-cigs contribute to addiction and underlying health issues.

“Kids start with flavored pods,” says 16-year-old Phillip Fuhrman. “When my mom took my first one away from me and I started to feel the withdrawal symptoms, that was the first time I realized I was addicted.” Fuhrman is now vape-free after taking his first puff of a JUUL two years ago.

Juul says they’ve already got the message – and to prove it, point to the fact that they pulled flavored pods from more than 90,000 stores nationwide last November. This follows the recent news that the CDC is investigating a number of cases of severe lung illnesses involving e-cigarette users, especially teens and young adults. While initial reports revolved around a couple dozen cases, officials say they’re now examining at least 100.

Source: CBS-NY

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