When looking for a home, the quality of the schools in the area is an important factor to a lot of parents, but in some states you can look as hard as you want but you won’t find many that are that good. Certain states just have better school systems than others, and now a new report reveals how states rate.
WalletHub has just come out with their list of the Best and Worst State School Systems in the country, looking at all 50 states and the District of Columbia on 29 key metrics, including blue ribbon schools per capita, high school graduation rates among low income students, math and reading test scores, SAT scores, pupil-to-teacher ratios and more.
With all that in mind, Massachusetts easily earns the top spot with a score of 67.85 out of 100, landing at number one for safety and number two for quality. For quality, New Jersey ranks in the top spot, although the Garden State lands at two overall.
Top Ten Best School Systems in the Country
- Massachusetts
- New Jersey
- Connecticut
- Virginia
- Vermont
- Minnesota
- New Hampshire
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- Wyoming