Presidential Hopeful Opens His Campaign Headquarters In Brooklyn

Democratic Presidential hopeful Bill de Blasio has opened his election campaign headquarters in downtown Brooklyn.

The mayor, speaking to NY1, said: "I'm very clear about the fact that we are going to start with a mean and lean team, and we are going to build up rapidly."

De Blasio also said that he and his campaign staff would run a shoestring operation that would focus on the issues and what needs to be done to help working people.

For the mayor to be invited to the first democratic presidential debate next month he will have to receive donations from 65,000 contributors and show at least a 1 percent share of voters in three polls.

The mayor is quoted in the New York Post saying," I certainly want to participate, but I also understand it's a very competitive process."

Only 20 of the 24 Democratic candidates will be invited to the debates.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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