De Blasio Unveils Plan to Reduce Congestion

Mayor Bill de Blaiso has unveiled a 5-point plan that he believes will reduce traffic congestion in New York City.

“By the end of 2018, speeds on the streets of Manhattan will increase by 10 percent,” de Blasio said.

The plan includes a pilot program which will ban deliveries to certain parts of the city during peak travel times.  Additional traffic agents will also be put on the job to help enforce rules and write tickets.

“I know they’ll be some criticism.  I have no doubt, but if the status quo is this broken we have to do something different,” de Blasio said.

New York City officials will also work with state officials to look at congestion on highways outside of the city’s jurisdiction.  That includes addressing choke points on the Cross Bronx Expressway and the Staten Island Expressway.

Photo Credit:  Getty Images

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