Do The Democrats Have What It Takes To Win Now That The Party's Over?

Photo: AFP

Chicago is now a fond memory in the minds of many in the Democrat Party, and with Kamala Harris officially their Presidential nominee, the campaign truly begins. Did Kamala Harris set the right tone for her base as the final ten weeks until Election Day unfold? Hank Sheinkopf is a Democrat strategist and political consultant; he appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program and said the Democrats sent their delegates home energized and happy by taking a page out of the Republican play book.

“The Democrats did the smart thing,” Sheinkopf explained to Berman and Larry Mendte, sitting in for Riedel. “They adopted in rhetoric most of the Republican ideas- except for the economic ones- about patriotism, unity, loving this country, talking about individual rights and liberties. These are pretty smart things and doing them in a way that was very clever, in most cases. I think if you look at speeches overall, you see Michelle Obama one, then Tim Walz two, and that’s important to note. He is a serious guy, and generally Vice-Presidents can only hurt you, but this guy apparently can help in the campaign in states she might need, but not all of them. So that being said, I think they’re very well-positioned and I think they win today. If the election were held today, they would win.”

Critics are quick to point out that Harris provided little in terms of how she intends to carry out her Presidential agenda, but Sheinkopf quickly pointed back that details were not the key to the speech she gave, but rather serving notice that she will be a thorn in Donald Trump’s side. “She talked about assistance for first-time home owners, she talked about restoring a woman’s reproductive rights, and there’s a whole bunch of things they did talk about; what I’m saying is the trick here strategically is to put Trump on the defensive always, to make sure that he keeps saying the things he says, and if he says the things he says, based upon the rhetoric and based upon what the polling shows, he’s got real trouble going until the end of this election. That doesn’t mean he’s not going to win; what that means is that if the election was held today, he would lose.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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