City Comptroller Threatens Lawsuit In Support Of Congestion Pricing

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander says he's exploring a possible lawsuit in order to force Governor Kathy Hochul to impose congestion pricing.

““This sudden and potentially illegal reversal wronged a host of New Yorkers, who have a right to what was long promised to all of New York—a world-class mass transit system that works for all," Lander said in a statement.

Congestion pricing was expected to generate $1 billion in annual revenue for the MTA that would be used for repairs and upgrades. The MTA this week announced that scheduled projects are now on hold because of the governor's decision.

Hochul indefinitely postponed congestion pricing last week, saying that it would hurt the city's recover. She insisted she remains committed to the plan that would charge drivers $15 to travel south of 60th Street.

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