The South Carolina primary has come and gone and as expected, Donald Trump handily cruised to an easy win over Nikki Haley in her home state. The eyes of the voters now turn to Tuesday’s Michigan primary—but Trump is not the shoo-in candidate people expected to be focusing on there when the primaries started back in January. Instead, the analysts are focusing on how Joe Biden fares in the primary; specifically, they’re wondering if Democrat voters will express their displeasure with Joe Biden as a choice in 2024.
ABC News political analyst Steve Roberts is among the pundits waiting to see if there are any surprises in store in the Wolverine State. He appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program to say that he expects Arab Americans to send a message to the incumbent, but for the specific reason of his support for Israel.
“Michigan in general, Detroit in particular, has been the center of the Arab American community… The real threat is they will simply stay home, or they will vote for a third party. So yes, I do think [the Michigan problem] is real for Biden, but let’s also remember that every voter is a combination of many, many factors… but is this a threat to Biden in Michigan? Absolutely, yes.”
There are real concerns many Arab American voters will pick “uncommitted;” regardless, Roberts feels Trump as the GOP candidate will be enough to bring them back into the Biden camp come the general election. “For every action in politics, there’s a reaction, and the very fervor among pro-Trump Republicans is going to have the effect of energizing Democrats. We saw that in 2020. It’s negative enthusiasm, it’s negative excitement, but it’s excitement all the same.”