Is There Alien Life Out There? One Astronomer Says They've Been Here

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Since Roswell, New Mexico briefly became the center of the universe in 1947, people have debated the possibility that aliens have been on Earth. More importantly, some people contend that the U.S. government and military know more than they are letting on. A former US intelligence officer, David Grusch, has been making headlines this year for claiming that he can prove American officials have alien spacecraft and corpses in storage.

So, are they “out there?” We put that question to retired astronomer Harold Kozak, who appeared on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program. Kozak says Grusch may be closer to the truth than the government would like to admit.

“I had written… that this goes back to pre-World War Two,” Kozak told Berman and Riedel. “David has gotten clearance… to tell about [Nevada U.S. Senator] Harry Reid, and this is interesting… Harry Reid was on a plane with David, and they had discussed with other top officials the fact that Harry Reid was given documentation about our government having alien craft and alien bodies and…  before [Reid] died, David had mentioned that Harry Reid had telephoned President Biden, explained everything to him and told him that he wanted to get more information out.”

Kozak further extrapolated on the likelihood that we are not alone in the universe. “We know how they could have gotten here. We know the technology they could have used, but we are not at a point yet in our technology to produce things like worm holes and allow trips to travel from one point to another, light years in minutes. So, this is what we’re up to at this point right now. I think it’s fascinating and I think more and more, as time goes on, more and more people are going to have t accept the fact that we are not alone in the universe.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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