Clay Travis’ New Book Will Put Republicans on a Championship Run

WOR mid-day co-host Clay Travis has written what he believes to be THE playbook for Republicans to go from a few losing seasons at the polls to a championship run. The sports host turned political pundit’s new book, “American Playbook,” is coming out next week, and in it Clay outlines tried-and-true strategies from sports that Republicans can use to win back the country. In fact, Clay’s plan is so good, he told morning co-hosts Len Berman and Michael Riedel earlier this week that he plans to ensure that whether its Donald Trump or another candidate, he plans to make sure that the GOP winner at the end of primary season gets a copy of the book.

Check Clay’s book out for yourself and get a chance to meet him in person at the first stop on his tour to support it this Monday night at 6pm at Bookends in Ridgewood, NJ! Register to attend or order a signed copy of the book here.

Clay will be Mark Simone’s guest Monday at 11:40 a.m., and joined Len and Michael earlier this week. Listen to the podcast version of his morning show interview here.

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