WOR Week in Review

Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning:

Len and Michael spoke this week with City Councilman Joe Borelli about the crime problem on the subway. Borelli told the guys he won’t ride the subway until the problem is solved.



Meanwhile, the MTA is looking to raise fares, which New York Representative Nicole Malliotakis argued during her chat with the guys should not happen unless a Federal audit shows they REALLY need the money.



And on a different transportation note, Len and Michael spoke with Alex Washburn, Executive Director of Grandpenn.org, about the refurbishing of Penn Station.



Mark Simone:

Mark spoke this week with WOR weekend host Dr. Arthur Perry about the latest advances in plastic surgery.



Economist Steve Moore joined Mark this week to discuss the chances that we’ll see gas prices fall to under $3 a gallon by Christmas.



Fox News anchor Gregg Jarrett weighed in with Mark about this week’s guilty verdict against the Trump Organization on 17 counts of tax fraud.


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