Middle School Assignment Slammed for 'Blatant Racism'

Mill Middle School located in a suburb of Buffalo New York is making headlines for a Spanish homework assignment that's drawing cries of "blatant racism." The assignment featured 10 sentences in English that the students had to translate into Spanish. Among the sentences were innocuous ones, including "We are serious students" and "I am a student at Mill." Others, however, immediately raised eyebrows, and drew outrage. "You (friendly) are Mexican and ugly," read the second sentence on the worksheet. Further down came "You (politely) are pretty and American." Allison Wainick—a Hispanic parent in the district who was born in Colombia and whose spouse was born and raised in Latin America—slammed the school on Twitter after her stepdaughter brought home the assignment, noting she was "shocked" at the assignment "loaded with such blatant racism," per the Buffalo News.

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