Dr. Oz: We Are Underselling The Vaccine

Dr. Oz stated on the "Len Berman and Michael Riedel In The Morning" show that we are underselling the importance of the vaccine.

"I think we are underselling the vaccine. Unofficially more and more doctors are appreciating that there's a huge series of benefits including the ability to travel, be without masks when with love ones, and do all kinds of things," said Dr. Oz.

Michael asked Dr. Oz wants to know if he has to stay in his house until he gets the vaccine.

"The more people that get vaccinated the more people are not able to pass the virus to you. So the worst I believe is over. We are going to be in for daily improvements. If we get everyone vaccinated we won't have to go back to this next fall," said Dr. Oz.

To hear the full interview with Dr. Oz check out the podcast below...

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