Dr. Poland Of The Mayo Clinic: A Lot Still Unknown About Pfizer Vaccine

Dr. Gregory Poland of the Mayo Clinic said that there is still a lot we don't know about the Pfizer vaccine while on the "Len Berman and Michael Riedel In The Morning" show.

"It is 90% effective for seven days after your second dose of the vaccine against mild to moderate covid, only in people who haven't been previously infected. We don't know yet whether it protects against hospitalization, death, severe disease, pregnant women, child, and the elderly," said Dr. Poland.

Len asked Dr. Poland if there was any good news recently.

"The good news is that we are making progress with vaccines and there is a new minocromil antibody approved by the FDA yesterday for emergency use but people still have to protect themselves," said Dr. Poland. 

To hear the full chat with Dr. Poland check out the podcast below...

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