Bill Bratton: NYC Is On A Downward Spiral That Shows No Signs Of Ending

As crime continues to spike in New York City, former Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said that he doesn't see it turning around anytime soon.

"We are in a downward spiral which show no signs of abating and if we lose public safety it's game over," said Bratton in the "Len Berman and Michael Riedel In The Morning" show after Len asked him about the violence increasing day in and day out in New York.

Len also asked him if it is possible for New York to turn around and how would he do it.

"Yes, good news, bad news is that it will take a while and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Part of the issue is we still have a city council, we still have out legislature, we still have state and city leadership that is focused on reform and reform is going too far." said Bratton.

To hear the full conversation with Commish Bill Bratton check out the podcast below...

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