ABC News' Rick Klein: Susan Rice Would Be A Re-Run Of Hillary Clinton

ABC News Political Director Rick Klein thinks that if Joe Biden picked Susan Rice as his Vice President it would be like picking Hillary Clinton.

"The difference between Kamala Harris and Susan Rice I think is pretty large in terms of public perception, Harris ran for President recently and Rice has never run for anything. Susan Rice also brings up a lot of memories with Benghazi in 2016 and is kind of a re-run of Hillary Clinton," said Klein while on the "Len Berman and Michael Riedel In The Morning" show earlier today.

Noam Laden, who is in for Len, asked Rick if he thought that Kanye West would impact the battleground states.

"Spoiler alert he's not going to be the next President. Some of these states are determined by 10,000-20,000 votes and a guy that has a massive following like Kanye West you can see people parking their votes as almost a protest," said Klein.

To hear the full conversation with Rick Klein check out the podcast below...

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