FOX Anchor Connell McShane: Kids Should Go Back to School, But How?

FOX Business Anchor Connell McShane was on the "Len Berman and Michael Riedel In The Morning" show to discuss how the stock market is doing during the outbreak and if employers will be amenable to their employees when school comes back in the fall.

"I think they are going to have to, right? I mean a lot of companies are already either extended their stay at home work arrangements as long as they can or trying to make flexible arrangements for people," said McShane.

Len asked Connell if he thought the economy should be further along at this point.

"It depends on what you look at. I mean we went down so much in March and April that we actually have rebounded significantly in a number of different measures," said McShane.

To hear the full conversation with Connell check it out below...

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