Trump Disagrees With Fauci On COVID Situation In U.S.

Despite what you’ve heard from infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United States is in a “good place” as it relates to the coronavirus. That’s the word from President Trump, who tells Gray Television that he disagrees with Dr. Fauci, who says the virus situation in the U.S. is "really not good."

As Trump sees it, he saved the U.S. from a number of deaths after going against Fauci's wishes and issuing a travel ban from China and Europe into the U.S. While he acknowledges an increase in hospitalizations in some states, he reminds that other states are doing "very well."

As for Fauci, he’s encouraging state governors to shut down bars and require masks amid surging coronavirus cases. In a virtual meeting with Alabama Senator Doug Jones, Dr. Fauci said indoor bars are a "perfect setup" for the spread of infection. He also says masks are "fundamental" in combating the virus and is in favor of governors mandating such coverings.

Source: Full Court Press

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