Poll: Americans Trust CDC COVID Info Over Trump

A new survey finds that Americans trust the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention more than they do President Trump when it comes getting information about the coronavirus pandemic.

Pew Research shows 64% of people believe the CDC gets the facts right most of the time, while only 30% of respondents feel Trump has the facts right most of the time.

What about the state level? The survey says that 53% trust their state government regarding information about the coronavirus.

On a related note, social distancing is hitting plateaus. According to a new Gallup poll, only about 39% of Americans say they "always" practice social distancing. The survey also shows 48% of respondents think the COVID-19 outbreak is only getting worse, the highest rating since the start of the pandemic. Health officials continue to urge people to wear masks and practice social distancing.

Where we stand with COVID-19...according to the latest numbers from Johns Hopkins, the United States has confirmed just over two-point-five-million cases across the United States – with just over 126-thousand patients succumbing to the illness. In good news? More than 705-thousand have recovered. In all, more than 29-million people have been tested in the United States. Globally, the numbers are just over ten-million people infected by the virus – with more than 505-thousand dead. But on the plus side, more than five-point-two-million have recovered.

Source: Pew Research

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