"I Think It's A Flip Of The Coin" Says Former Met Shamsky To Len & Michael

A member of the 1969 World Series Champion New York Mets, Art Shamsky, called into the "Len Berman and Michael Riedel In The Morning" show to talk about whether or not we will get a season this year, his podcast and more.

"There is so much animosity between the owners and the players, I don't know I think it's a flip of the coin," said Shamsky when asked by Len if he thought we would get baseball this year.

Later Len asked Shamsky what he is trying to accomplish with his podcast.

"I want to do stuff that's just not everyday kind of things...I wanted to do some interviews with people not only in sports but entertainment and get them to talk about things that maybe we haven't heard about," said Shamsky.

For more of the conversation with Art Shamsky see below...

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