Trump Looks Ahead To Reopening America

As states around the country begin to relax restrictions, President Trump says this is a "big moment" for the U.S. as the country begins to open back up following the coronavirus outbreak. In a video message posted on Twitter, the President said the "American people want our country to open up now," but they want to do it in a safe way.

He added that Americans need to continue to practice social distancing and washing your hands. Trump says the U.S. economy is going to come back "very, very strong" and he says it will happen soon. He touted, "I did it once, we're going to do it again" and he says the U.S. will have an "incredible next year."

That may be, but for many, the concerns are more immediate – especially in the circle around the President himself – as one of Mr. Trump’s valets has tested positive. During a press event with Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Trump confirmed the report – and says he’s not concerned as he’s “had very little personal contact with this gentleman.” Trump added that he continues to test negative.

Source: White House

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