America Steps Into The Next Phase With COVID-19

The nation's top infectious disease expert is cautioning optimism amid new guidelines for reopening the country. During a briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci argued that President Trump's three-phase plan is meant to put safety ahead of everything else. He added "it's not game over" no matter what phase you’re in.

As Fauci noted, "It's going to be a way that we protect ourselves." As we reported separately, Trump has announced the guidelines for states to start ramping business up. Something a number of them have already been working on.

Where does the United States stand with COVID-19? At last check, there are more than 671-thousand cases across the United States – with just over 33-thousand patients succumbing to the illness – though more than 56-thousand have recovered. Globally, the numbers stand at just over 2.1-million people infected by the virus – with more than 145-thousand dead. On the plus side, more than 549-thousand have recovered. And in case you’re curious? Just over 3.4-million Americans have been tested.

ONE MORE THING! Another member of the federal coronavirus task force is getting her own bobblehead. Doctor Deborah Birx is receiving the honor from the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum. The American Hospital Association's Protect The Heroes Campaign will get five-dollars from each sale. The bobbleheads cost 25-dollars. Of Course, Dr. Birx isn't the only high-profile figure to be honored with a bobblehead. As we told you before, Dr. Anthony Fauci has already been immortalized in bobblehead form.

Source: White House

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