Bonus Segment: Guy Steals Over $17,000 From Gas Station

Usually, when someone is going to steal from their job, they often do it slowly and over time. Not this guy.

Police say that a man was hired last month to work at a local gas station in Hamden, New Jersey. It seems that this man wasn't interested in working as much as he was stealing. They say that the man on his first shift managed to steal $17,183 worth of stuff. That included lottery tickets, 89 cartons of cigarettes, and cash.

Then, before management knew it, he was gone. Police say he disappeared so they have released a picture of him from the gas station's surveillance cameras to try to get help in identifying him. They don't know his name, because he also stole his employment folder.

For more on this story check out today's bonus segment with Len Berman and Michael Riedel...

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