Harry & Meghan Giving Up Their "Senior Royal" Roles

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been forging their own paths as Royals ever since they tied the knot in 2018. Now, they’re making their independence officially official. Meghan and Harry have taken to Instagram to announce they’re stepping back as “senior” members of the Royal family.

The move is a total shake-up in modern royal history. Even more so? They’re making a point to “become financially independent,” saying they’ll still “fully support” the Queen, the Commonwealth and their patronages. And instead of sticking around the United Kingdom, they’ll split their time between the UK and North America (our money is on Canada).

How does the rest of the Royal family feel about the decision? By various accounts, they were blind-sided. According to Britain's "Daily Mail," the first the anyone at Buckingham Palace had heard of the decision was on television. Ouch. While that's not confirmed, the tense statement our of Buckingham Palace supports it. "Discussions with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage," it reads. "We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work though."

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