Bonus Segment: Town Accidentally Invites Everyone To Take Photos With Satan

Some spelling mistakes are more noticeable than others.

Recently, a newspaper in British Columbia made an unintentionally hilarious error in their advertisement for a local Christmas fair. The Comox Valley Record typo accidentally invited everyone to take photos with SATAN at an upcoming holiday event.

The paper was only printed on November 21, but the internet has wasted no time roasting them for it. The people of the internet don’t let anything slide, spelling mistakes included. The Comox Valley Record wasted no time posting a statement on its website, addressing the unfortunate mistake, saying, "sadly, it's too late to fix it and the damage has been done. It has already been shared "far and wide on social media," and that

"There is no excuse for it, and we aren’t about to use this space to make any," reads the statement. Some people have even said that someone should dress up as Satan and show up to the Christmas fair anyway.

For more on this story check out today's bonus segment with Len and Michael...

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