James Dean Will Appear In A New Movie Thanks To CGI

James Dean will be resurrected with the help of advanced CGI techniques, but it isn’t sitting well with many people.

The iconic movie star will have a starring role in the upcoming Vietnam era action-drama "Finding Jack." The film is based on a 2011 novel and explores the abandonment of military dogs at the end of the Vietnam war. The crew behind the movie secured the rights to Dean's likeness from his family

Here’s the problem some people are having with the news; someone else will be voicing the icon. “Captain America’ star Chris Evans says hold on, “Maybe we can get a computer to paint us a new Picasso. Or write a couple new John Lennon tunes. The complete lack of understanding here is shameful.”

Dean died at the age of 24 in 1955 after a car crash. In case you’re counting…that means he’s been gone for 64 years. The film is expected to be released next year.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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