The “Fattest” States In The Country Are...

It’s no secret that a lot of people in the country are overweight, and while there are overweight people in every state, there are some states where more of the population is considered “fat,” and a new report reveals which ones they are. 

WalletHub set out to determine the “Fattest” states in the country, looking at each state on a variety of factors including share of obese and overweight population, to obesity-related health care costs, sugary beverage consumption and more.

Overall, Mississippi was named the “Fattest” state in the country, scoring a 70.66 and ranking number one for Obesity & Overweight Prevalence, which includes share of overweight and obese adults, teenagers and children. It also came in seventh for Health Consequences, which includes adults, teens and children with diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension, and tenth for Food & Fitness. 

The Top Ten “Fattest” States In The Country

  1. Mississippi
  2. West Virginia
  3. Kentucky
  4. Tennessee
  5. Alabama
  6. Oklahoma
  7. Louisiana
  8. Arkansas
  9. Delaware
  10. Ohio

A few other notes from the study:

  • Nevada is the state with the highest percentage of overweight adults, while District of Columbia has the lowest.
  • West Virginia has the highest percentage of obese adults, while Colorado has the lowest
  • Tennessee has the highest percentage of overweight children, while Louisiana has the lowest.
  • Mississippi as the highest percentage over obese children, while Minnesota has the lowest

Source: WalletHub

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