Alleged Prostitute Linked To Fourth Drug-Related Death

A drug-dealing prostitute already linked to the deaths of three men has had a fourth charge filed against her in the overdose death of a man found in Queens.

Police say, Angelina Barini, who has over 25 prior arrests, and her associates concocted a plot where she would pick up a "John," bring him to a seedy hotel room, drug him and then rob the victim after he fell unconscious.

Detectives were able to identify Barini and her victims after they were caught on hotel surveillance video entering their room together. A short while later, she was seen leaving the room alone.

Peter Fitzhugh, a Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent told the New York Daily News that Barini "has shown little regard for the life of another. And with the drugs laced with fentanyl that she allegedly peddled, she offered her victims an experience they would never survive."

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