Mike Pompeo Ukraine Involvement Revealed, Rudy Gets Subpoenaed

The “Wall Street Journal” is reporting that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also on the line when President Trump pushed Ukraine's leader to investigate Joe Biden and the alleged dealings of his son, Hunter, in Ukraine.

While the State Department has not responded to the WSJ report, it’s worth noting that when Pompeo was asked about the whistleblower complaint at the UN Assembly General last week, Pompeo merely said he'd not had time to read the reports but to the best of his knowledge the actions undertaken by State Department officials were "entirely appropriate."

Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani is being subpoenaed by House Democrats in the growing impeachment inquiry into President Trump. But that’s not all – three House committees want Giuliani to produce documents related to his efforts with Ukraine.

A statement from committees says Giuliani and Trump jeopardized national security by pressing Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election.

Source: Wall Street Journal

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